Jindal School Faculty Member Named as a Top Expert in Retail Industry

Photo of Charles Haseman
Charles Haseman, a professor of practice in the Marketing Area at the Naveen Jindal School of Management and director of its Center for Retail Innovation and Strategic Excellence (RISE), has been named as one of the Top Retail Experts of 2024 by RETHINK Retail, a platform focused on providing insights, news, and analysis about the retail industry. This is his second year to be recognized.

According to RETHINK Retail’s website, the list recognizes “influencers for their activity within the online retail community. Influencers frequently comment on retail trends or news stories, share industry insights and join thought leadership discussions. These influencers take on many roles. We selected executives from academia, media, consultancies and analyst firms.”

The platform used a variety of sources to select its list: third-party listings, primary research within its own network of influencers, recent award winners and tools such as Buzzsumo.

The selectors considered factors such as social presence, articles, speaking engagements, awards and authority to verify each awardee included in its non-ordered listing.

Haseman, who maintains an active account on LinkedIn, was selected for the Academia category.

“At the RISE center, we’ve put together a team of thought leaders and are a hub of engagement for the STEM side of retail,” Haseman said. “I am honored and pleased to be selected for the RETHINK Top Retail Experts list because that’s exactly what we strive to do at RISE— rethink the retail sector and transform it for the digital realm.”

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