Project Management Program Marks Decade of Thought Leaders’ Influence
The UT Dallas Project Management Symposium celebrates its 10th anniversary with program focused on business success.

Hit the Ground Running: Advice for New Graduates From Jindal Alumni
Jindal School alumni offer tips to students who are eager to burn the world up with their skills and ideas in this blog post written by Jeanne Spreier.

Jindal School Honors Exceptional Students, Staff, Faculty and Alumni
The Naveen Jindal School of Management recognized 18 exceptional students, alumni, professors and staff members for the second annual OWLIE Awards ceremony. See which JSOM stars are sighted!

The Unspoken Expectations
There are three traits that make a person successful in a career: capabilities, opportunities and passion. Have the skills without the passion? You may need to rethink your career path.

My Journey through Leadership and Beta Alpha Psi
John Phelan became the president of Beta Alpha Psi and realized his goal towards leadership will be a lifelong journey. In the meantime, enjoy this post written about the accounting and finance honor society.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone, Take Risks and Do More Than Expected
As a Jindal Career Management Center career advisor, Sherri Cook works with students each day who are very busy. Meet Fredi Garcia, who learned how to get out of his comfort zone, take risks and do more than expected.

Top Sales Student Transformed Adversity into Opportunities
One of the top students in the Professional Sales Concentration has had an extreme past but is transforming adversity into opportunity. Rising star, Kathryn McCord, will surprise you with her story.

Three Lessons I’ve Learned From Toastmasters
While some people clamor for an audience, others downright fear it. Read about the lessons Caryn Berardi learned from the University Toastmasters club, a public speaking organization on UT Dallas campus.

Espresso with Dr. John F. McCracken Part 2
Here we are, back again with the concluding part of this edition of Espresso with Dr. McCracken!

Espresso with Dr. John F. McCracken – Part 1
Dr. John F. McCracken, executive director of JSOM’s Alliance for Medical Management Education programs, has a very interesting personality, a man of many interests and many talents. What exactly are they? Don’t ask us. Read on!

Espresso with Monica Powell – Part 2
As promised, we now bring you the intense finale of this interview, may the force be with you as you enjoy reading this interview with Dr. Powell!

Is Followership the New Leadership?
How do you define a leader and a follower and their roles in the business world? Do you see yourself as one more than the other? Caryn Berardi explains in this week’s post!

Espresso with Monica Powell – Part 1
Who is Monica Powell, you may ask? There’s more to her than just being the Senior Associate Dean. Read on to learn about her quirky side!