JSOM 50th Anniversary

JSOM 50th anniversary

Groundbreaking for third Jindal School building
Groundbreaking for third Jindal School building
Groundbreaking for third Jindal School building.
Record-breaking enrollment in Jindal School
Record-breaking enrollment in Jindal School
Jindal School enrollment shatters previous records as more than 11,000 students were seeking Jindal School degrees in the fall 2023 semester.
Doctor of Business Administration program launched
Photo of Timothy Reazor at the 21st Annual Corporate Governance Conference presented by the Naveen Jindal School of Management
The Doctor of Business Administration launches for industry execs who want to learn advanced research methodologies.
First All-University Commencement held
First All-University Commencement held
In May, grads Celebrate at First All-University Commencement: The University of Texas of Dallas holds the inaugural All-University Commencement, a sparkling new Comet tradition that celebrated recent graduates’ academic journeys.
First Ann and Jack Graves Foundation Conference
First Ann and Jack Graves Foundation Conference
Inaugural Ann and Jack Graves Foundation Conference Series. The Jindal School Center for Global Business and the Sustainable Global Business Initiative sponsors the conference.
COVID moves JSOM operations online
COVID moves JSOM operations online
In March, COVID shuts down onsite operations. JSOM moves to virtual classes and conferences, including Scholarship Breakfast and Beck Group.
UTD ranked top for LGBTQ+ students
UTD ranked top for LGBTQ+ students
In June, UTD Ranked Top University in Southwest for LGBTQ+ Students The University of Texas at Dallas was named one of the nation’s best colleges for LGBTQ+ students and the only university in Texas and the Southwest to make the top 25 list.
Virtual Jindal School annual breakfast
Virtual Jindal School annual breakfast
Jindal School’s annual breakfast held virtually
Alumni gatherings across the U.S
Alumni gatherings across the U.S
JSOM alums gather around the country – in San Antonio, NYC, Washington DC, etc. Good artwork.
Volunteer service requirement implemented
Volunteer service requirement implemented
In August, undergraduate students are now required to complete 100 hours of unpaid community/volunteer service as part of their degree program.
Ann and Jack Graves Foundation funds established
Ann and Jack Graves Foundation funds established
The Ann and Jack Graves Foundation Global Business Scholars Fund and the Ann and Jack Graves Foundation Society of Emerging Economies’ Development Fund is established at the Jindal School to expand students’ understanding of and interaction with African economies.
First Young Scholars Program students enroll
First Young Scholars Program students enroll
In August, the first four Young Scholars Program students, all Dallas Independent School District high school graduates, enter as freshmen. (August)
BS/Human Resource Management introduced
BS/Human Resource Management introduced
BS/Human Resource Management added as a degree program
UTD ranked #1 young university
UTD ranked #1 young university
In May, UTD Ranked No. 1 In the Young University Rankings report from Times Higher Education, UT Dallas ranks No. 1 in schools founded less than 50 years ago.
Blackstone Launchpad opens
Blackstone Launchpad opens
Blackstone Launchpad is opened at UT Dallas.
UT Dallas becomes R1 university
UT Dallas becomes R1 university
In January, UTD is recognized as an R1 university by The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education classifies UT Dallas as an R1 Institution — a classification reserved for doctoral institutions with the highest research activity.
Texas Business Hall of Fame Scholarships awarded
Photo of Ron Mehring, keynote speaker at the Jindal School's Cybersecurity Day 2024
Texas Business Hall of Fame Scholarship awards begin recognizing promising entrepreneur/students.
BS/Healthcare Management added
BS/Healthcare Management added as a degree program.
Risk Management concentration launched
At the inaugural Cybersecurity Day, presented Oct. 17 by the Naveen Jindal School of Management, students listened to chief information security officers from various industries and governmental agencies discuss their responses to growing digital threats. Photo of students listening to Peeyush Patel.
Risk Management and Insurance concentration added at the Jindal School.
Peter Buffett speaks at 40th Anniversary
Peter Buffett speaks at 40th Anniversary
40th anniversary of JSOM; Peter Buffett, Emmy Award-winning musician, philanthropist and author is speaker.
Second Jindal School building opens
Second Jindal School building opens
Jindal School building II opens its second building.
BS/Supply Chain Management added
BS/Supply Chain Management is added as a degree
Jindal School Art Gala begins
Jindal School Art Gala begins
The Jindal School Art Gala celebrates contributions of local and student artists, including many works that were gifted to Jindal School.
Veteran Services Center opens
Veteran Services Center opens
The Veteran Services Center, now the Military and Veteran Center, opens to support veteran-students as they transition from their service to our nation to life as students.
“Realize the Vision” campaign launches
“Realize the Vision” campaign launches
April of 2012: Realize the Vision: The Campaign for Tier One & Beyond begins its $200-million, five-year campaign to make UT Dallas into a nationally competitive research institution.
Naveen Jindal’s donation renames School of Management
Naveen Jindal’s donation renames School of Management
Alumnus Naveen Jindal MBA’92 makes a multimillion dollar contribution to the School of Management. In thanks the UT System renames the school the Naveen Jindal School of Management.
BS in Global Business, Marketing, and IT added
BS in Global Business, Marketing, and IT added
BS/Global Business, BS/Marketing and BS/Information Technology and Systems are added as degrees.
MBA program ranked in top 50 nationwide
Photo of (from left) Gregg Ballew, Richard Weaver and Emily Neubert at the 21st Annual Corporate Governance Conference presented by the Naveen Jindal School of Management
Full Time MBA ranked among top 50 MBA programs nationwide for the first time.
Inaugural Scholarship Breakfast held
Dr. Quinton Nottingham of Va. Tech is the guest on episode 122 of The Business of Healthcare Podcast for a discussion about medical-legal partnerships.
Inaugural Scholarship Breakfast; speaker is Gary Kelly, then CEO of Southwest Airlines.
First Business Idea Competition held
First Business Idea Competition held
The first Business Idea Competition, later renamed the Big Idea Competition, is sponsored by the School of Management’s Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. It draws 37 teams and almost 90 entrants.
BS/Finance degree introduced
BS/Finance is added as a stand-alone degree
AACSB accreditation achieved
AACSB accreditation achieved
School of Management is accredited by AACSB, the national oversight agency that verifies the relevance of a business school’s curriculum, faculty, facilities, programs and more. The school has never fallen out of accreditation since then.
School of Management opens first building
School of Management opens first building
School of Management celebrates opening of its first building, marking the largest academic building on campus.
Hasan Pirkul named dean
Hasan Pirkul named dean
Hasan Pirkul PhD named dean
Frank Bass appointed interim dean
Frank Bass appointed interim dean
Frank M. Bass PhD named interim dean of the School of Management
First Executive MBA overseas trip to Prague
First Executive MBA overseas trip to Prague
The first Executive MBA overseas trip heads to the newly liberated Prague, Czechoslovakia. (Later, the Czech Republic.)
First class for Full-Time MBA (Cohort MBA)
First class for Full-Time MBA (Cohort MBA)
The Full Time MBA program (Cohort MBA) accepts its first class
BS/Accounting introduced as a degree
BS/Accounting is added as a stand-alone undergraduate degree.
Executive MBA program launched
Executive MBA program launched
The Executive MBA degree accepts its first class of students.
First freshmen enroll at UTD School of Management
First freshmen enroll at UTD School of Management
The first nine freshmen are enrolled at UT Dallas School of Management. Paul Nichols, Assistant Professor of Practice, Organizations, Strategy and International Management, was a member of the first class of freshmen.
UTD approved to accept freshmen and sophomores
UTD approved to accept freshmen and sophomores
UT Dallas gets approval to accept freshmen and sophomores on campus. The degree changes its name to BS in Business Administration with two tracks – business management or accounting. At this point, the school offered 34 total undergraduate management-related courses.
Charles Kroncke appointed dean
Charles Kroncke appointed dean
Charles Kroncke PhD named dean of the School of Management
Gerald Scully named interim dean
Gerald Scully named interim dean
Gerald W. Scully PhD named interim dean of the School of Management
Advisory Council established for industry input
Advisory Council established for industry input
Realizing the importance of industry input, School of Management leadership establish the Advisory Council to offer local business leaders a seat at the academic table.
Martin Geisel appointed dean
Martin Geisel appointed dean
Martin Geisel PhD named dean of the School of Management
Morris Hite Center for Marketing established
Morris Hite Center for Marketing established
The first Center of Excellence – Morris Hite Center for Marketing – is established in the School of Management
Paul Gaddis Sr appointed dean
Paul Gaddis Sr appointed dean
Paul O. Gaddis Sr named dean of School of Management
Robert Miller becomes interim dean
Gaurav Shekhar headshot 8/2024
Robert Miller PhD named interim dean of School of Management
Raymond Lutz named first dean
Raymond Lutz named first dean
Raymond P. Lutz PhD named first dean of School of Management
First doctoral students in School of Management
First doctoral students in School of Management
The School of Management accepts its first doctoral students.
School of Management established; BS in Business offered
Photo of Gaurav Shekhar at the Jindal School's Cybersecurity Day 2024
The School of Management is established, accepting junior and senior undergraduate students. The first degree offered was a BS in Business and Public Administration.
SWCS becomes UT Dallas, accepts graduate students
SWCS becomes UT Dallas, accepts graduate students
The SWCS is absorbed into The University of Texas System as UT Dallas. It only accepts graduate-level students.
Founders Building constructed
Founders Building constructed
Founders Building was constructed out on the prairie.
Texas Instruments establishes the Graduate Research Center
Texas Instruments establishes the Graduate Research Center
Texas Instruments establishes the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, in part to answer the needs of its company in the Space Race.