Assistant Professor, Jindal School Of Management, Ut Dallas
After completing his master’s degree in Information Technology and Management, Shekhar stayed at UT Dallas as a staff member and instructor. He now is program director of the Jindal School’s MS in Business Analytics and an assistant professor of instruction for information systems coursework. In these roles, he is responsible for the academic and non-academic aspects of the graduate Business Analytics (Flex and Online) programs. This includes student recruitment, industry partnerships, mentoring, curriculum evaluation and more. Shekhar also maintains a full teaching load. The classes he teaches reflect how technology has impacted business operations, with courses related to business intelligence, digital consulting and robotic process automation.
How your degree has impacted your career?
My degree has given me an understanding about the application and management of technology. It also has helped me discover the finer elements of project deliverables. I also made some meaningful connections, most of which have helped me grow in my career.
What do you enjoy about your current position/profession?
The ability to serve students and make a difference in their lives. The element of giving and the gratification it brings was discovered during the time I was a student here at Jindal School.
How do you see your profession changing in the next five or 10 years?
Academia has always been the forefront of development and growth. I see a change in the way the three pillars – students; faculty and staff; and industry – work together. They will work even closer than they have in the past. The delivery models will become more agile, letting students continue their education through remote mediums.
What unexpected experience or event has shaped and/or influenced your current professional life?
COVID-19 is somehow the biggest change that we all experienced. However, it helped me appreciate several elements of my profession. At the same time, it boosted my willingness to help people. I truly realized that we are one big community and as long as we all serve each other, the community will thrive.
What is a professional highlight of your career, either where you currently work or in the past?
As a teacher, I feel blessed to extrapolate my success through my students. Every time a student is successful, it is our success. And even though the credit goes to our students, it feels great to be able to see it unfold in front of our eyes. Professionally, I am also an active member of Toastmasters where I serve as director of the North Eastern District of Texas. Being the youngest district director ever has been special to me.
What characteristics do you look for when hiring people into your workplace?
Dependability. Technical skills can be taught, but attitude is something that each person brings to the table. Their integrity is also something that I value highly, as integrity creates trust. Without trust, working together becomes very difficult.
What is your favorite UT Dallas memory?
Winning my first OWLIE Award as “JSOM Face of the Year.” That will always remain a favorite memory. (OWLIE Awards are conferred each spring by a committee of Jindal School students to honor members of the JSOM family who have shown outstanding engagement on behalf of the Jindal School in the past year.)
How have you connected with either Jindal School or UTD alums since graduating and how has that been fulfilling?
My job affords me many opportunities to connect with alums. Every week I meet at least three or four of them and we work together in nurturing current students. This is many years after we were students together working on our own degrees.
What is something you wish you had done while you were in college and why do you wish you had?
I don’t have any regrets since I was a very active student. I do want to mention that it is very important to take care of your health. Don’t eat too many free pizzas! But do make meaningful relationships with your faculty and peers. These relationships go a long way.
What advice do you have for college students hoping to succeed professionally?
Ask why you are doing what you are doing. Don’t abandon your own dreams and make others’ dreams your own. Don’t blindly follow what your peers are doing. Be helpful to your peers. Work on building a complete product and don’t be someone who is afraid of trying something new. Fate favors the fearless. UT Dallas is a great resource, use it effectively. How much effort you put into something is what you will get out of it. And lastly, have fun with what you do!
What makes an effective leader?
The ability to roll up your sleeves and jump into the problem is the marquee of a great leader. How much you support your peers and look at the grand scheme of things rather than your own individual goals are all hallmarks of a great leader. Be respectful to people. All this matters.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love writing poems and reading. I am a perpetual ideator and that keeps me going all the time.